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Are you willing to be more present in your life?  –  I’d like to invite you into a wonderful new possibility, where as Access Consciousness® says Consciousness & Oneness includes everything and judges nothing. It’s the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgement of you or anyone else. Access Consciousness® is a set of tools and techniques that are designed to help you change whatever isn’t working in your life, so that you can have a different possibility and a different reality.


 Access Consciousness® – Access is a pragmatic set of tools and processes that are life-changing and empower you to create a life that you truly desire.Gary Douglas founded Access 26 years ago and was joined by Dr Dain Heer who became Co creator 16 years ago.There are over 2000 facilitators in 179 countries.Access gives you simple tools to create more awareness of how you function in your life and how you can change it.What if you allowed yourself to receive everything you ever wanted? You can choose what is best for you with live classes, talks, online seminars and private sessions.


A special thanks goes out to Mr Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer for their gifts and their choice to create more awareness on this weird and wonderful planet we call home. 




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